Ramifying effects of the risk of predation on African multi-predator, multiprey large-mammal assemblages and the conservation implications

Impacts of predators on prey populations are incurred not only through mortality inflicted, but also from how the risk of mortality affects the behaviour, spatial distribution and resource access of potential prey species. This risk is governed by exposure to predators and vulnerability following encounters. Behavioural responses to reduce risks have ramifying consequences for habitat […]

Ecology of the giraffe in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

The decrease in woody vegetation in Tsavo National Park has probably had adverse effects on woodland-adapted herbivores, including the giraffe (Girafa camelopardalis). In an ecological study we attempted to assess this species’ density, habitat preference and utilization, and population dynamics, using mainly road strip counts and identification of individual animals. Population structure varied seasonally and […]

Giraffe social preferences are context dependent

The dynamic nature of animal societies often hides multiple layers of complexity. The field of animal behaviour is rapidly advancing with the development of increasingly sophisticated analytical methods that allow scientists to identify complex and nuanced drivers of social patterns. The resurgent interest in giraffe sociality illustrates this by challenging the early view that individuals […]

Does the risk of encountering lions influence African herbivore behaviour at waterholes?

A central question in the study of predator–prey relationships is to what extent prey behaviour is determined by avoidance of predators. Here, we test whether the long-term risk of encountering lions and the presence of lions in the vicinity influence the behaviour of large African herbivores at waterholes through avoidance of high-risk areas, increases in […]

Scene From Above: Retinal Ganglion Cell Topography and Spatial Resolving Power in the Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is a browser that uses its extensible tongue to selectively collect leaves during foraging. As the tallest extant terrestrial mammal, its elevated head height provides panoramic surveillance of the environment. These aspects of the giraffe’s ecology and phenotype suggest that vision is of prime importance. Using Nissl-stained retinal wholemounts and stereological […]