Giraffe weight estimation using dissected leg weight and body measurements

Data from 44 adult giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) showed that leg weight as a percentage of body weight is sufficiently constant to provide regression equations useful for estimating body or carcass weight. Data from 53 giraffes of various ages show that reliable estimates of body weight can be made from linear body measurements, regardless of sex […]

The structure of the masseter muscle in the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

In the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), the masseter muscle was divided into several layers. The superficial and more medial (second) tendinous sheets of the masseter muscle fused with each other at the dorso-caudal part and a fleshy portion was located between these tendinous sheets. In the rostral part, the most superficial tendinous sheet turned around as […]

Carcass composition of the giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa

Culled giraffes Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa were dissected into standard cuts as far as possible and their mass was determined. Carcass composition was studied by means of buttock dissections and meat quality by means of muscle fiber diameter measurements. Mean total body mass of adult males was 1 174,3 +/- 31,5 kg and of adult females […]

Giraffe cow reaction to the death of her newborn calf

Observations in their natural habitat of animals’ reactions to recently deceased conspecifics are rare. Documenting a diversity of mammalian responses is essential to augment our understanding of potential evolutionary foundations of both mental states and social bonds. Individuals that previously had strong social ties to dead conspecifics might be expected to display different reactions than […]