The interrelationships of higher ruminant families with special emphasis on the members of the cervoidea

We analyze the interrelationships of the higher (Pecoran) ruminants, and suggest possible relationships between these families and the various genera of the polyphyletic assemblage “Gelocidae.” We also review the developmental processes of the cranial appendages of the living homed ruminant families, and conclude that giraffid ossicones, bovid horns, and cervid antlers cannot be considered to […]

Fossil evidence and stages of elongation of the Giraffa camelopardalis neck

Several evolutionary theories have been proposed to explain the adaptation of the long giraffe neck; however, few studies examine the fossil cervical vertebrae. We incorporate extinct giraffids, and the okapi and giraffe cervical vertebral specimens in a comprehensive analysis of the anatomy and elongation of the neck. We establish and evaluate 20 character states that […]

Standing Tall for Giraffes – Research and Conservation of an Overlooked African Icon

Despite being iconically African, the giraffe remains largely understudied in the wild—unlike most of the continent’s other large megafauna. In part, this is because giraffes were not heavily hunted until recently: they don’t produce tusks or horns that are coveted as trophies or medicine and they are not an aggressive species. Sadly, the Giraffe Conservation […]

Scene From Above: Retinal Ganglion Cell Topography and Spatial Resolving Power in the Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is a browser that uses its extensible tongue to selectively collect leaves during foraging. As the tallest extant terrestrial mammal, its elevated head height provides panoramic surveillance of the environment. These aspects of the giraffe’s ecology and phenotype suggest that vision is of prime importance. Using Nissl-stained retinal wholemounts and stereological […]