Conservation genetics of an isolated giraffe population in Swaziland

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) are a critical component of the savannah’s browsing guild (Birkett, 2002), although their distribution is discontinuous and the species has declined over most of the range (Fennessy, 2008). Often confined to protected areas, management of the giraffes has increasingly focused on maintaining small, closed populations including private lands or conservation areas (Brenneman […]

Genetic diversity in fragmented southern African giraffe populations

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is distributed throughout sub-Sahara in savannah habitat. It is currently listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red Data List, as their numbers are declining. Little is known about the genetic characteristics of giraffe in South Africa. This molecular analysis of the introduced giraffe populations in the Free State Province thus provides […]

The genetic status of the introduced giraffe population in Central South Africa

There has been no reliable historical evidence of giraffe occurring naturally in the Free State Province in Central South Africa (Dagg 1962; Deacon & Parker 2016; Sydney 1965). Although Lynch (1983) mentioned the possibility of the natural distribution of giraffe in the East and Western Free State, there is no concrete evidence that giraffe existed […]

Interspecific and temporal variation of condensed tannins and cyanide concentrations in potential dietary sources of extralimital giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) in the Karoo

During 2016 and 2018 four giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) mortalities occurred in the Karoo potentially caused by acute hydrogen cyanide poisoning. Plants have various defence mechanisms to protect themselves against herbivory, including the production of secondary metabolites such as condensed tannins and hydrogen cyanide. This study quantified condensed tannin and hydrogen cyanide production in selected Karoo […]

The diet of a small group of extralimital giraffe

Giraffe are extralimital in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa where recent local introductions have persisted despite limited research into their impact on the indigenous flora. The diet of 15 giraffe at the Shamwari Game Reserve was recorded by direct observation during summer (March/April) and winter (July/August) 2001, quantifying diet by frequency of occurrence (individual […]

The past distribution of giraffe in KwaZulu-Natal

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) are though to be introduced aliens in KwaZulu-Natal, an area in which they flourish today. This perception was based on lack of reference to sightings of giraffe in early colonial literature and the lack of giraffe remains in archeological sites within KwaZulu-Natal. We have reviewed the literature and found no reliable reference […]

The diet of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) on a wildlife ranch in the mosaic thicket of the southern Cape, South Africa

We studied the diet composition and preference of giraffe in mosaic thicket. Diet composition was determined by direct observations throughout the year. The Jacobs index was used to calculate dietary preference indices. Although the recorded diet consisted of 20 browse species, 17 were tree/shrubs, and only two, Acacia karroo and the invasive alien Acacia cyclops, […]