First comprehensive morphological analysis on the metapodials of Giraffidae

Giraffids are a group of relict pecoran ruminants with only two living taxa. During the Miocene, however, this group was much more diverse, with more than 20 different species showing a wide range of variability. In addition to many other parts of the skeleton this variability is also represented in their metapodials. We find inter-specific […]

The giraffe’s neck: another icon of evolution falls

The giraffe is a major problem for Darwinism for many reasons. No evidence exists in the fossil record for giraffe evolution, nor are evolutionists able to explain why the giraffe’s neck evolved. The most common Darwinian explanation for giraffe neck evolution—the advantage a long neck gave in reaching leaves high in trees for food—is now […]

Giraffokeryx (Artiodactyla: Mammalia) Remains From the Lower Siwaliks of Pakistan

Giraffokeryx is represented in the middle Miocene vertebrate assemblage from the Chinji Formation by 13 remains. The material comprises predominantly isolated teeth, and a few fragments of maxilla and mandible. The well preserved upper and lower dentition allows recognizing the presence of Giraffokeryx cf. punjabiensis in the Chinji Formation of the Lower Siwaliks. A detailed […]

The cervical anatomy of Samotherium, an intermediate-necked giraffid

Giraffidae are represented by many extinct species. The only two extant taxa possess diametrically contrasting cervical morphology, as the okapi is short-necked and the giraffe is exceptionally long-necked. Samotherium major, known from the Late Miocene of Samos in Greece and other Eurasian localities, is a key extinct giraffid; it possesses cervical vertebrae that are intermediate […]

Fossil evidence and stages of elongation of the Giraffa camelopardalis neck

Several evolutionary theories have been proposed to explain the adaptation of the long giraffe neck; however, few studies examine the fossil cervical vertebrae. We incorporate extinct giraffids, and the okapi and giraffe cervical vertebral specimens in a comprehensive analysis of the anatomy and elongation of the neck. We establish and evaluate 20 character states that […]

On the origin, evolution and phylogeny of giraffes Giraffa camelopardalis

The origin, phylogeny, and evolution of modern giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) is obscure. We review here the literature and conclude that the proximate ancestors of modern giraffes probably evolved in southern central Europe about 8 million years ago (Mya). These ancestors appear to have arisen from the gelocid ancestral assemblage of 20–25 Mya via the family […]