Giraffe Plasma Bank: Protocol 2018

The goal is to reduce neonate mortalities in giraffe under human care by making fresh frozen plasma more widely available to calves with failure of passive transfer. Plasma collection via operant conditioning is ideal due to no anaesthetic agents within the plasma being collected, and highlights the importance of trained blood collection behaviors. This document […]

Giraffe cow reaction to the death of her newborn calf

Observations in their natural habitat of animals’ reactions to recently deceased conspecifics are rare. Documenting a diversity of mammalian responses is essential to augment our understanding of potential evolutionary foundations of both mental states and social bonds. Individuals that previously had strong social ties to dead conspecifics might be expected to display different reactions than […]

Spinal cord injury during recovery from anaesthesia in a giraffe

ANAESTHESIA of giraffes carries particular risks of morbidity and mortality as a result of the physical characteristics of a large, longlegged, long-necked animal with a heavy head; death is reported in approximately one in 10 cases (Benbow and Lyon 2001, Bush and others 2002, Flach and others 2002). Mortality may relate to physical damage or […]

New Thoughts on Peracute Mortality in Giraffe

Peracute mortality syndrome, or giraffe wasting disease, has been a leading cause of mortality in giraffe since the 1970s. It generally presents as acute death without premonitory signs. It is characterized by serous atrophy of adipose tissue and weight loss. Other lesions are non specific. Several articles have been published suggesting a potential nutritional component.

Frothy bloat and serous fat atrophy associated with insufficient fibre intake in a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

Malnutrition is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis). Frothy bloat, a nutrition-related disease of domestic ruminants, has not previously been reported in Giraffidae. A 10-year-old female reticulated giraffe (G. c. reticulata) had a chronic cough and died in February 2007 following a two-month period of weight loss. Multiple nutrition-related […]