Scene From Above: Retinal Ganglion Cell Topography and Spatial Resolving Power in the Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is a browser that uses its extensible tongue to selectively collect leaves during foraging. As the tallest extant terrestrial mammal, its elevated head height provides panoramic surveillance of the environment. These aspects of the giraffe’s ecology and phenotype suggest that vision is of prime importance. Using Nissl-stained retinal wholemounts and stereological […]

Feeding habits of spotted hyaenas in a woodland habitat

The feeding habits of spotted hyaenas were recorded during a 2-year full-time study in the Lowveld of South Africa. The animals were observed for 335 h at night using artificial light. These results were supplemented by the analysis of 200 regurgitations and 527 scats collected on a monthly basis over 12 months, with a consideration […]