Biomechanics of The Giraffe Larynx and Trachea

Despite possession of a well developed larynx and a gregarious nature, the Giraffe is able to utter only low moans or bleats. Morphological and histological examination, together with measurements of trachea and subglottic area on three fresh larynges (Giraffa camelopardalis) has made it possible to explain the lack of vocal power. Factors such as thoracic […]

Dead Space and Tidal Volume of The Giraffe Compared With Some Other Mammals

The ventilation, tidal volume and anatomical dead-space were measured in a living giraffe and compared with similar in a camel, red deer, llama and man. The giraffe had a resting tidal volume of about 3.3 litres with a dead-space/tidal volume ration of 0.34. The giraffe breathes lowly, apparently because of the unusually small diameter of […]